Wednesday 23 February 2011

Luke Skywalker

Something I had to do for class, thought I'd share it -

Having his mother die in child birth and his father controlling one of the most fascist empires in history did not stop Luke Skywalker from becoming one of the great liberators of his time. Born on the planet Polis Massa a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, he went to live with his aunt and uncle, Beru and Own Lars, on the remote planet of Tatooine after his birth.

Born as a twin to his sister, Leia, the babies were separated after the death of their mother and hidden from their father by the then governing state. It was felt that Anakin Skywalker, or Darth Vader as their father had come to be known, could not provide the stable home environment that two children required.

Living as a farm hand, with his aunt and uncle, Luke dreamed of joining the academy of the empire that he would later have a substantial hand in over throwing. Fate, on the other hand, had other plans for the young Skywalker.

Following the deaths of his aunt and uncle at the hands of the empire, Luke resolved to aid the Rebellion in its fight to over throw Emperor Palpatine, a once senator of the previous governing body. Having gained tactical knowledge of new fortifications, and learning that his sister was being held captive, with the aid of a religious advisor to the old republic, Obi Wan Kenobi, Skywalker set off to rescue Leia and fight for the Rebellion. Obi Wan also started teaching his religious beliefs, known as The Force, to a reluctant Skywalker.

During this initial phase in Luke’s life he had no knowledge of his sister or who his father was, the years that followed had Luke discovering both, joyous about the knowledge of one and deeply disturbed by the other. Both had a profound effect on the youth.

During the years of the rebellion, Luke suffered many injuries. One such was on the planet of Hoth were he was viciously attacked by a wampa and left with noticeable scars across his face; however this was not the most not-worthy injury. This he suffered at the hands of his own father. The loss of his right hand during a duel and the subsequent realisation that the man he had been fighting was his father affect Luke like no other moment in his life.

In an attempt to make sense of things Luke returned to the spiritual training Obi Wan had started and travelled to Degobah to learn at the feet of the wise Yoda. During his training Luke broke with tradition and left to lead a rescue of his friend Han Solo who had been captured by pirates. On his return to Degobah, Luke completed his training and was bestowed the rank of Jedi Knight.

Leaving Degobah, he decided to try and talk to his father and reconcile their differences believing that his father did love him. This succeeded and, with the help of his father, Luke was able to kill the Emperor. However, during the fight Vader suffered mortal injuries and died, but not after telling his son “You were right about me. Tell your sister you were right”. Many believe that this line is not only letting Luke know that he had done well, but an attempt, by Vader, to get his daughter to forgive him.

Following the death of his father, and the beginnings of the new republic, Luke attempts to create a place of learning for people who want to follow the ways of the Force and with the help of ancient texts found on Dathomir he eventually creates an academy in the ruined Massassi Temple on Yavin 4 where people came to train under him and learn the ways of the Force.

Skywalker eventually gained the rank of Jedi Master, the first such since the death of his former mentor, Yoda, and recreates the Jedi council, an advisory body that aided the republic before the empire disbanded the institution. Skywalker is believed to have died of old age after being exiled from a jealous ruling government, however little is known about his exploits after this time.

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